Tuesday, December 25, 2012


It's Christmas for real now. I got so many presents.

Santa got me an indoor Chuck-It and a crinkly moose. Also, Christmas tug toys. And dental chews. Santa thinks I should brush my teeth more.

Monday, December 24, 2012

It's almost...


Mom and I took a walk today. It does not look much like Christmas outside. The trees are naked, but it isn't snowy. It's a brown Christmas this year.

This year is my first Christmas with my parents. They decided not to abandon me this year, maybe they'll abandon me tomorrow - I'm not sure yet. Mom says we're going to Grandpa's house tomorrow. We'll get to see those lambs that bark.

I went to the park today and there were many brindled fellows like me. It was nice, but then one of them got too excited. I have a tiny wound near my eye that Mom keeps touching. Mom also gave me a bath and tried to murder me with nail trimmers.

Aunt Jenny is here. She is teaching Dad how to dance and she sings for me. It's very nice.

Merry Christmas dear readers. I'm uploading some regal park shots for your holiday enjoyment.

Monday, December 17, 2012


It has been wintery outside. Dad took a picture of me a couple of weeks ago when the snow came again.

I've been improving at sports these past few weeks. Mom and I have been participating in flyball practices. Mom likes to yell loudly when I do anything good. Mom likes to yell loudly all the time.

Here is me in the snow. This is at a park above my house. It has lots of stairs. Sometimes cats poop there. It is very nice.

Mom says this is me. Don't worry guys, I haven't stopped blogging.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Current hobbies. And Thanksgiving.

We went to Grandma's for Thanksgiving. Mom gave me turkey, but not enough. She still has some turkey and she's rationing it out, she has too much control.

In other news I have new hobbies. I've started participating in flyball again. It's okay. Everyone cheers for me - I deserve it.

I've also begun couponing:

Monday, November 12, 2012

Walking Dad to work.

Everyday I walk Dad to work, because I am very thoughtful. I also let him pick up my poop.

Here is what I look like after we drop Dad off. I'm usually very upset. You can see where he goes in the background a little. I'm upset in the foreground.

Mom took me to the Basilica after we dropped Dad off. I'm not sure what it is, but I found some bread outside of it to eat - and then Mom made me pose. She made me pose a lot. Here are my more serious shots.

In other news, I've started practicing flyball again. I'm not so sure about it, but Mom gives me hot dogs. What happened to the hot dog man?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The ground is cold.

I don't really understand, but I thought it was pretty funny. Mom tried to hand me a ball of the white stuff to eat. It was too cold. I'll add more pictures in the morning when it's light out.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I can paint with all the colors of the wind. Take a look. I really wanted to emulate my favorite historical figure for Halloween. If you followed my summer blog you've already seen that I got to meet Pocahontas in Virginia. Even though we didn't become friends, I still look up to her.

Mom kept making Dad take pictures, but I just wanted to keep playing Pocahontas. I hope some kids come to our house on Halloween so I can bark at them in character. Happy Halloween! Also, I might experience my first hurricane soon. Dad is concerned.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall themed

We had a casual weekend. Dad and Mom had me pose near a variety of plants. They all looked pretty boring to me. Yesterday we went to Cambridge and walked around and across some bridges.

I also got to stop to look at passing pedestrians. Dad thought I was going to chase them, but Mom told him I don't do that. How does Mom know?

Here I am doing my best smile to show off the Boston skyline. It was a nice day, as you can see it was cloudy but it was also warm. I didn't even need a parka. What's a parka?

Today was nice also. We took a shorter walk to Olmstead Park near our house. Mom had me pose with these leaves. Feel free to print this photo to hang in your personal galleries. You can title it "Dwina in Red," or "Feelings of Fall and Dwina," or "Sandwich." Whatever you prefer.

It's nice to spend time with my family. Here I am with Dad. He is teaching me about life and boats.

Monday, October 15, 2012

I didn't feel good.

Last week I was under the weather. I was really tired from playing all weekend and then Mom gave me something delicious to upset my stomach. Bad move Mom.

I didn't really feel like eating on Monday or Tuesday. And then Mom would get all worried and stare at me for a long time.

So on Wednesday Mom took me to be watered by the vet. I remember that from when I was a puppy. I don't like being watered, it makes me pee a lot.

Now I feel better. And I got a lot of chicken and rice for being SO good. I'm pretty sure that's why I got it.

Yesterday we hung out in Brookline a little because that is where Dad likes to shop.

This one is near our house. Our street is less crowded though. Stop staring at my undercoat.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

My night at camp: Fenway Bark

Mom and Dad dropped me off at my new camp facility yesterday. It is in South Boston. They have a pool shaped like a bone. That is just one of the amenities. Dad doesn't like driving to it because he is always lost.

When I checked in they offered roasted duck feet as a room service option, but Mom said no. She's always saying no to stuff. I wanted one of the bigger rooms that offer skype service, but she said no. I wanted to eat cat poop I saw on the dock, she said no.

Here I am outside of Fenway Bark. I'm about to go in and I want Dad to stop taking pictures.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dwina is in Beantown

We live in Boston now. I've been helping Mom and Dad settle in to the new apartment. I'm really good at organizing cupboards:

 and putting together Ikea furniture:

I met a man named Comcast today.

I had an interview yesterday at an exclusive club called Fenway Bark. I passed all of their challenges, they told me my ears give me character. I told them that my character gives me character. They ignored me.

I think we moved here so that we can eat more baked beans and cream pies. Also to be more involved with United States history. We'll see.