Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Current hobbies. And Thanksgiving.

We went to Grandma's for Thanksgiving. Mom gave me turkey, but not enough. She still has some turkey and she's rationing it out, she has too much control.

In other news I have new hobbies. I've started participating in flyball again. It's okay. Everyone cheers for me - I deserve it.

I've also begun couponing:

Monday, November 12, 2012

Walking Dad to work.

Everyday I walk Dad to work, because I am very thoughtful. I also let him pick up my poop.

Here is what I look like after we drop Dad off. I'm usually very upset. You can see where he goes in the background a little. I'm upset in the foreground.

Mom took me to the Basilica after we dropped Dad off. I'm not sure what it is, but I found some bread outside of it to eat - and then Mom made me pose. She made me pose a lot. Here are my more serious shots.

In other news, I've started practicing flyball again. I'm not so sure about it, but Mom gives me hot dogs. What happened to the hot dog man?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The ground is cold.

I don't really understand, but I thought it was pretty funny. Mom tried to hand me a ball of the white stuff to eat. It was too cold. I'll add more pictures in the morning when it's light out.